Monday, August 16, 2010

365 days of love - Day 1

After reading an article about a lady who wrote down one lovely thing that happened that day for a year, i have decided to do this too. I have tried many times to start it off by writing in a journal, but always seem to forget as its not something i do everyday. Something i do do everyday though, is go on the internet.
So from now on, i will be writing something that i loved about the day - including things i bought, things i wore, lovely sites etc - anything that makes me smile :-)

Day 1 - Sunday 15 August 2010.

Today was a very dog orientated day. We got pro photos done of our foster dog, Ollie, to help sell him. I am going to miss him so much when he is gone! We also found out that he is deaf, the poor thing. But i know he will go to a wonderful home.

Also got some beautiful photos of May, our 10 year old girl and Astro, our 18 month old boy. 
These photos definitely made my day :-)



1 comment:

Natalie said...

Oh I can't wait to see the pics..<3